January: We start our second year at Newcastle University by welcoming three Undergraduate students to the Duncan lab! Joe (MSci Biochemistry), Lily (BSc Hons. Pharmacology) and Joey (BSc Hons. Biochemistry) will be in the lab January to March working on their 3rd year dissertation projects. Marla passes her 33-month PhD mini-viva!
February: Artem travels to the University of Tüebingen, Germany to naicons.com/ attend an EU MagicMolFun workshop on 'Metabolic Engineering of Actinomycetes' and then onto his PhD Secondment in Milan, Italy at https://naicons.com/ where he will be supervised by Margherita Sosio (co-founder of and Microbiology Director at Naicons), Artem will be in Italy from mid-Feb until mid-June 2025. Kate travelled to Banff, Canada as an invited speaker (Invited by Roberto Koulter) for the Keystone Symposia on Human Microbiome: Diversity, Selection and Adaption 18-21st Feb.
February: Artem travels to the University of Tüebingen, Germany to naicons.com/ attend an EU MagicMolFun workshop on 'Metabolic Engineering of Actinomycetes' and then onto his PhD Secondment in Milan, Italy at https://naicons.com/ where he will be supervised by Margherita Sosio (co-founder of and Microbiology Director at Naicons), Artem will be in Italy from mid-Feb until mid-June 2025. Kate travelled to Banff, Canada as an invited speaker (Invited by Roberto Koulter) for the Keystone Symposia on Human Microbiome: Diversity, Selection and Adaption 18-21st Feb.
January: The next chapter for the Duncan lab, as we get set up at the Newcastle University, UK! We are based in the Biosciences Institute, which is part of the Faculty of Medical Sciences. Kate joined the Pool of Experts for UKRI BBSRC (the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council).
February: Artem and Kate traveled to Wageningen, Netherlands to attend the first MAGIC-MOLFUN (EU MSCA Doctoral Training Network) https://magic-molfun.dtu.dk/ workshop on Genome Mining (Hosted by Marnix Medema and Justin van der Hooft) as well as our first annual meeting for the four-year network. Marla, Kate and Artem presented "medicines form the sea" at the Microbiology Showcase event to undergraduate students across Biomedical Sciences at Newcastle.
March: Marla and Kate travelled to California to attend the Gordon Conference on Marine Natural Products in Ventura - Marla presented her work in a poster at both the GRS and GRC and Kate gave an invited talk at the GRC. Kate was invited to speak at the York Microbiology Symposium, a one day event with lots of great questions and speakers - it was nice to meet more people in the North East. Artem, Marla and Kate attended the Newcastle University Microbiology Olympiad - with over 150 attendees across the two days - it really showed how vibrant microbiology research is here at Newcastle!
April: Marla headed to the Czech Republic to attend the Prague Workshop for Computational Mass Spectrometry. Artem and Kate travelled to Edinburgh to attend the Microbiology Society Annual Conference, Artem presented his work from his first 8-months of his PhD as a poster and Kate co-organised a session on microbiology and the climate. Kate travelled to St Andrews for a PhD viva.
May: We hosted Perle, a Masters student from the Scottish Association for Marine Sciences (SAMS) based in Oban. She spent the week testing her algal extracts against the ESKAPE pathogens and learning what we do in the lab.
June: Kate was invited to share the lab's research at the third international conference on Microbial Secondary Metabolites in Microbiomes 2024 in Helsingør, Denmark, we hosted Dr Karrera Djoko from Durham University for a visit, Artem attended and Kate instructed on the MAGIC-MOLFUN/HOT-BIO combined EU MSCA DTN (Doctoral Training Network) metabolomics workshop which took place in Medina in beautiful Granada, Spain.
July: We all took some annual leave at various stages of July and Kate spoke at the International Conference on Natural Products Research in Krakow, Poland.
August: Kate spoke at the International Congress on Mycology (it was on combined genomics and metabolomics approaches, we haven't started working with fungi yet!)
September: Artem attended the 2024 John Innes – Rudjer Bošković Summer School on Applied Molecular Microbiology, Kate was faculty - it took place in Dubrovnik, Croatia and covered all aspects of microbial natural products - you can read the report here.
October: We advertised a Medical Research Council PhD studentship to join the Duncan lab (DiMeN DTP), Kate gave an invited seminar at the University of Durham, we cleaned the lab!
November: Kate presented at the British Society of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy annual conference in Birmingham, Marla received a funding extension form Conhacyt, Mexico. Marla presented her PhD research at the Microbes in Health and Disease Seminar series.
December: This year the Duncan lab took part in curation of NPAtlas v3 and MiBiG v4 - both of these papers were published this month with Marla (and former lab member Parra) as co-authors on NPAtlas and Marla and Artem (and Parra) as coauthors on MiBiG. We took part in the Great North Museum: Hancock - "Great North Night" on 6th December showcasing "medicines from the sea", had the 9th annual Duncan lab Petri Dish Exchange and our Christmas night out this year involved axe throwing! End of year one in our new home and we'd like to thank our friends and collaborators for making it such an enjoyable 12 months in Newcastle.
February: Artem and Kate traveled to Wageningen, Netherlands to attend the first MAGIC-MOLFUN (EU MSCA Doctoral Training Network) https://magic-molfun.dtu.dk/ workshop on Genome Mining (Hosted by Marnix Medema and Justin van der Hooft) as well as our first annual meeting for the four-year network. Marla, Kate and Artem presented "medicines form the sea" at the Microbiology Showcase event to undergraduate students across Biomedical Sciences at Newcastle.
March: Marla and Kate travelled to California to attend the Gordon Conference on Marine Natural Products in Ventura - Marla presented her work in a poster at both the GRS and GRC and Kate gave an invited talk at the GRC. Kate was invited to speak at the York Microbiology Symposium, a one day event with lots of great questions and speakers - it was nice to meet more people in the North East. Artem, Marla and Kate attended the Newcastle University Microbiology Olympiad - with over 150 attendees across the two days - it really showed how vibrant microbiology research is here at Newcastle!
April: Marla headed to the Czech Republic to attend the Prague Workshop for Computational Mass Spectrometry. Artem and Kate travelled to Edinburgh to attend the Microbiology Society Annual Conference, Artem presented his work from his first 8-months of his PhD as a poster and Kate co-organised a session on microbiology and the climate. Kate travelled to St Andrews for a PhD viva.
May: We hosted Perle, a Masters student from the Scottish Association for Marine Sciences (SAMS) based in Oban. She spent the week testing her algal extracts against the ESKAPE pathogens and learning what we do in the lab.
June: Kate was invited to share the lab's research at the third international conference on Microbial Secondary Metabolites in Microbiomes 2024 in Helsingør, Denmark, we hosted Dr Karrera Djoko from Durham University for a visit, Artem attended and Kate instructed on the MAGIC-MOLFUN/HOT-BIO combined EU MSCA DTN (Doctoral Training Network) metabolomics workshop which took place in Medina in beautiful Granada, Spain.
July: We all took some annual leave at various stages of July and Kate spoke at the International Conference on Natural Products Research in Krakow, Poland.
August: Kate spoke at the International Congress on Mycology (it was on combined genomics and metabolomics approaches, we haven't started working with fungi yet!)
September: Artem attended the 2024 John Innes – Rudjer Bošković Summer School on Applied Molecular Microbiology, Kate was faculty - it took place in Dubrovnik, Croatia and covered all aspects of microbial natural products - you can read the report here.
October: We advertised a Medical Research Council PhD studentship to join the Duncan lab (DiMeN DTP), Kate gave an invited seminar at the University of Durham, we cleaned the lab!
November: Kate presented at the British Society of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy annual conference in Birmingham, Marla received a funding extension form Conhacyt, Mexico. Marla presented her PhD research at the Microbes in Health and Disease Seminar series.
December: This year the Duncan lab took part in curation of NPAtlas v3 and MiBiG v4 - both of these papers were published this month with Marla (and former lab member Parra) as co-authors on NPAtlas and Marla and Artem (and Parra) as coauthors on MiBiG. We took part in the Great North Museum: Hancock - "Great North Night" on 6th December showcasing "medicines from the sea", had the 9th annual Duncan lab Petri Dish Exchange and our Christmas night out this year involved axe throwing! End of year one in our new home and we'd like to thank our friends and collaborators for making it such an enjoyable 12 months in Newcastle.
March: Darren and Kate traveled to London for a DEFRA DEEPEND2 project meeting at the Natural History Museum, London.
May: Darren hosted Dr Muriel Rabone, a collaborator from the Natural History Museum, London for a research visit
June: Darren and Kate visited collaborators at the University of Aberdeen Chemistry Department (Marine Biodiscovery Centre) and hosted Dr Adrian Glover from the Natural History Museum, London for a research visit at Strathclyde. Darren successfully defends his PhD - congratulations Darren!!
July: We all took some holiday time!
August: We welcomed Artem Fetter to the lab to start his PhD, Artem is from Germany and did his masters in Marnix Medema's lab in the Netherlands. Kate took part in "Decoding the Molecular Universe" at the Pacific NorthWest Laboratory in Washington and then presented at the Joint Genome Institute in Berkeley, California at their annual science meeting.
September: Darren presented a poster of our DEEPEND2 work at the European Conference on Marine Natural Products in Granada, Spain. We hosted a Germany film crew for a documentary on antibiotic resistance (which aired on primetime Germany TV in November), Marla, Artem, Darren and Kate were filmed in the lab and also on the Isle of Mull collecting samples (in the rain), it's not always glamorous! Kate was invited to speak at the closing meeting of the Limena project (led by Prof. Tilmann Webber at DTU) in Copenhagen, this was followed by the kickoff meeting for our EU Marie Curie (MSCA) Doctoral Training Network - MAGIC-MOLFUN - which spans research groups across Europe for 4 years. Artem presented his PhD project and we all enjoyed a visit to Louisiana Museum.
October: We hosted Prof. Roger Linington from Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada for a seminar and research visit, we also hosted Dr Joape Ginigini from the University of the South Pacific, Fiji for a research collaboration visit, Darren and Kate attended the second annual UK government (DEFRA) DEEPEND2 project meeting, this time it was in Crieff Hydro, in the beautiful Loch Lomond and the Trossachs national park, Scotland (a bit less exotic than the Cook Islands!) - Darren gave an update of our microbial isolation work. We also attended the BBNJ meeting in Edinburgh. Kate took part in a PhD defence in the Netherlands (Detmer Sipkema group). We ended a very busy month with graduation - lovely to see the students get their degrees!
November: The PI was in Antarctica for her third expedition with Homeward Bound (global women in STEMM leadership program, she co-lead the on-ship science program with Prof. Sharon Robinson, the lab was still standing on her return!
December: Kate returns from Antarctica! Lily successfully passes her PhD viva, congratulations Lily! We host Dr Nigel Mouncey, Director of the Joint Genome Institute (Department of Energy), based in Berkeley, California for a seminar and visit, we have our last 6th floor micro group Christmas night out, pack up the lab and say our goodbyes - we'd like to thank our friends and colleagues for the support over the last 7.5 years in setting up the Duncan lab, navigating the global pandemic, the fun chats, the nights out in Babbity's and Howgate and of course, friendships that span beyond the years we're all in the lab together!
May: Darren hosted Dr Muriel Rabone, a collaborator from the Natural History Museum, London for a research visit
June: Darren and Kate visited collaborators at the University of Aberdeen Chemistry Department (Marine Biodiscovery Centre) and hosted Dr Adrian Glover from the Natural History Museum, London for a research visit at Strathclyde. Darren successfully defends his PhD - congratulations Darren!!
July: We all took some holiday time!
August: We welcomed Artem Fetter to the lab to start his PhD, Artem is from Germany and did his masters in Marnix Medema's lab in the Netherlands. Kate took part in "Decoding the Molecular Universe" at the Pacific NorthWest Laboratory in Washington and then presented at the Joint Genome Institute in Berkeley, California at their annual science meeting.
September: Darren presented a poster of our DEEPEND2 work at the European Conference on Marine Natural Products in Granada, Spain. We hosted a Germany film crew for a documentary on antibiotic resistance (which aired on primetime Germany TV in November), Marla, Artem, Darren and Kate were filmed in the lab and also on the Isle of Mull collecting samples (in the rain), it's not always glamorous! Kate was invited to speak at the closing meeting of the Limena project (led by Prof. Tilmann Webber at DTU) in Copenhagen, this was followed by the kickoff meeting for our EU Marie Curie (MSCA) Doctoral Training Network - MAGIC-MOLFUN - which spans research groups across Europe for 4 years. Artem presented his PhD project and we all enjoyed a visit to Louisiana Museum.
October: We hosted Prof. Roger Linington from Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada for a seminar and research visit, we also hosted Dr Joape Ginigini from the University of the South Pacific, Fiji for a research collaboration visit, Darren and Kate attended the second annual UK government (DEFRA) DEEPEND2 project meeting, this time it was in Crieff Hydro, in the beautiful Loch Lomond and the Trossachs national park, Scotland (a bit less exotic than the Cook Islands!) - Darren gave an update of our microbial isolation work. We also attended the BBNJ meeting in Edinburgh. Kate took part in a PhD defence in the Netherlands (Detmer Sipkema group). We ended a very busy month with graduation - lovely to see the students get their degrees!
November: The PI was in Antarctica for her third expedition with Homeward Bound (global women in STEMM leadership program, she co-lead the on-ship science program with Prof. Sharon Robinson, the lab was still standing on her return!
December: Kate returns from Antarctica! Lily successfully passes her PhD viva, congratulations Lily! We host Dr Nigel Mouncey, Director of the Joint Genome Institute (Department of Energy), based in Berkeley, California for a seminar and visit, we have our last 6th floor micro group Christmas night out, pack up the lab and say our goodbyes - we'd like to thank our friends and colleagues for the support over the last 7.5 years in setting up the Duncan lab, navigating the global pandemic, the fun chats, the nights out in Babbity's and Howgate and of course, friendships that span beyond the years we're all in the lab together!
January: Kate co-authored the paper 'Overcoming drug resistance, the natural way' with Dr Matt Hutchings, published in Cell Host & Microbe.
February: Connie submitted her Masters thesis. Kate was invited to give a seminar for the American Society of Pharmacognosy (Natural Products Webinar Series).
March: Parra successfully defended his PhD having been examined by Dr. Matt Hutchings (University of East Anglia) and Dr. Leighton Pritchard. Lily gave a talk at the Royal Society of Chemistry Analytical Biosciences Group Early Career Researcher Online Meeting. Lily co-authored two papers; "Developing novel biointerfaces: using chlorhexidine surface attachment as a method for creating anti-fungal surfaces", published in Global Challenges (doi:10.1002/gch2.202100138), and "Efficacy of antimicrobial and anti-viral coated air filters to prevent the spread of airborne pathogens", published in Scientific Reports (doi:10.1038/s41598-022-06579-9). Kate was the Keynote speaker for the Gordon Research Seminar (GRS) and attended the Conference on Marine Natural Products, Ventura, CA. USA. Marla started her PhD in the Duncan lab remotely from Mexico.
April: Darren gave an oral presentation and Lily presented a poster at the Microbiology Society annual conference in Belfast. Kate hosted Prof. Sharon Robinson from the University of Wollongong (Australia) for a research visit.
May: Marla arrives in Glasgow after starting her PhD remotely from Mexico in March! Kate was an invited speaker at the Novo Nordisk Foundation Symposium on linking genes to metabolites in Copenhagen, Denmark. Both Connie (MRes) and Cheryl (MSci) finish up their studies.
June: Kate gave an invited talk at the International Symposium for the Biology of the Actinomycetes (ISBA 2022) in Toronto. Marla presented her research at the Chemistry and Biology of Natural Products meeting in Edinburgh.
July: Dr Sam William visits the lab on a Elizabeth Blackwell Institute Discovery Fellowship for two weeks! Kate was an invited participant for the BBSRC NIBB High Value Biorenewables workshop on Bioactives held in York.
August: Darren starts as a Research Associate on our UK Government, Department of Environment, Food and Environmental Affairs [DEFRA]) funded grant in collaboration with the Natural History Museum (NHM), National Oceanographic Centre (NOC), University of Aberdeen, University of Southampton and international partners. Marla presented a poster and Darren gave a talk at the Glasgow Microbiology Collective meeting at the University of Glasgow. Kate was an invited speaker at the International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (ISME 2022) in Lausanne, Switzerland in the Chemical Ecology session.
September: Kate gave a Keynote talk at the Challenger Society conference in London, Darren and Kate are hosted by NHM and NOC in London and Southampton respectively for research collaboration visits. We welcomed Duncan Ballantyne [data], Jamie Campbell [lab], Ermando Canga [lab] and Lirong Luo [lab] to the Duncan group for their undergraduate final (4th) year projects!
October: We welcomed Kate McDonald [lab] to the group, Kate starts her year MSci project and will be with us until April next year. Darren hosted collaborators from the Natural History Museum and the University of South Pacific (USP). Kate visited Denmark Technical University (hosted by Lone Gram) for a week.
November: Kate went to the School of Life Sciences at the University of Dundee as an invited speaker at their Postgraduate Symposium
December: We co-hosted the Molecular Microbial Ecology Group annual meeting at the Technology Innovation Centre, University of Strathclyde, At this two-day meeting, Darren was a co-chair. Kate visited the Cook Islands in the South Pacific for a week as part of the DEFRA-funded collaborative grant along with the Natural History Museum (NHM), National Oceanographic Centre (NOC), University of Aberdeen, University of Southampton and international partners.
February: Connie submitted her Masters thesis. Kate was invited to give a seminar for the American Society of Pharmacognosy (Natural Products Webinar Series).
March: Parra successfully defended his PhD having been examined by Dr. Matt Hutchings (University of East Anglia) and Dr. Leighton Pritchard. Lily gave a talk at the Royal Society of Chemistry Analytical Biosciences Group Early Career Researcher Online Meeting. Lily co-authored two papers; "Developing novel biointerfaces: using chlorhexidine surface attachment as a method for creating anti-fungal surfaces", published in Global Challenges (doi:10.1002/gch2.202100138), and "Efficacy of antimicrobial and anti-viral coated air filters to prevent the spread of airborne pathogens", published in Scientific Reports (doi:10.1038/s41598-022-06579-9). Kate was the Keynote speaker for the Gordon Research Seminar (GRS) and attended the Conference on Marine Natural Products, Ventura, CA. USA. Marla started her PhD in the Duncan lab remotely from Mexico.
April: Darren gave an oral presentation and Lily presented a poster at the Microbiology Society annual conference in Belfast. Kate hosted Prof. Sharon Robinson from the University of Wollongong (Australia) for a research visit.
May: Marla arrives in Glasgow after starting her PhD remotely from Mexico in March! Kate was an invited speaker at the Novo Nordisk Foundation Symposium on linking genes to metabolites in Copenhagen, Denmark. Both Connie (MRes) and Cheryl (MSci) finish up their studies.
June: Kate gave an invited talk at the International Symposium for the Biology of the Actinomycetes (ISBA 2022) in Toronto. Marla presented her research at the Chemistry and Biology of Natural Products meeting in Edinburgh.
July: Dr Sam William visits the lab on a Elizabeth Blackwell Institute Discovery Fellowship for two weeks! Kate was an invited participant for the BBSRC NIBB High Value Biorenewables workshop on Bioactives held in York.
August: Darren starts as a Research Associate on our UK Government, Department of Environment, Food and Environmental Affairs [DEFRA]) funded grant in collaboration with the Natural History Museum (NHM), National Oceanographic Centre (NOC), University of Aberdeen, University of Southampton and international partners. Marla presented a poster and Darren gave a talk at the Glasgow Microbiology Collective meeting at the University of Glasgow. Kate was an invited speaker at the International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (ISME 2022) in Lausanne, Switzerland in the Chemical Ecology session.
September: Kate gave a Keynote talk at the Challenger Society conference in London, Darren and Kate are hosted by NHM and NOC in London and Southampton respectively for research collaboration visits. We welcomed Duncan Ballantyne [data], Jamie Campbell [lab], Ermando Canga [lab] and Lirong Luo [lab] to the Duncan group for their undergraduate final (4th) year projects!
October: We welcomed Kate McDonald [lab] to the group, Kate starts her year MSci project and will be with us until April next year. Darren hosted collaborators from the Natural History Museum and the University of South Pacific (USP). Kate visited Denmark Technical University (hosted by Lone Gram) for a week.
November: Kate went to the School of Life Sciences at the University of Dundee as an invited speaker at their Postgraduate Symposium
December: We co-hosted the Molecular Microbial Ecology Group annual meeting at the Technology Innovation Centre, University of Strathclyde, At this two-day meeting, Darren was a co-chair. Kate visited the Cook Islands in the South Pacific for a week as part of the DEFRA-funded collaborative grant along with the Natural History Museum (NHM), National Oceanographic Centre (NOC), University of Aberdeen, University of Southampton and international partners.
January: Ally, Parra, Lily and Darren all presented posters at the SIPBS Research Day, with Ally winning the prize for best poster. Ally was also awarded the runner-up Manton student talk prize at the British Phycological Society Meeting. To cap off an amazing month, Ally's first lead author paper was published in Microorganisms (https://doi.org/10.3390/microorganisms9020311) and Duncan Lab alum Sylvia was lead author on a paper published in Marine Drugs on which both Ally and Kate were co-authors.
February: All current members of the Duncan lab attended the Scottish Natural Products Network (SNaPNet) launch event, with Darren, Ally and Parra presenting posters and Darren, Ally and Duncan Lab alum Robyn chairing discussions on what Scotland contributes to the world of natural products research.
March: Duncan lab member Ally and alumnus Sylvia were invited to participate in the FEMS International Women's Day Stream (https://fems-microbiology.org/opportunities/international-womens-day-2021-live-discussion/). They were also interviewed for a perspective piece afterwards (https://fems-microbiology.org/perspectives-internationalwomensday-2021-choosetochallenge/).
April: Parra, Lily and Darren presented posters at the 2021 Microbiology Society annual conference, which was hosted online due to the ongoing SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Lily co-authored the paper "Stability of cell-penetrating peptide anti-VEGF formulations for the treatment of age-related macular degeneration", published in Current Eye Research (https://doi.org/10.1080/02713683.2020.1830117).
May: Ally wrote a piece for the ASP newsletter about sexual harassment against women in marine science (https://www.pharmacognosy.us/making-stem-a-safer-place/).
June: Darren presented a talk at the Chemistry and Biology Natural Products XIV hosted by the University of Warwick. Ally presented a poster at the World Microbe Forum, a joint conference between FEMS and ASM.
July: Parra and Ally presented their research at Vanguards of Natural Products meeting (American Society of Pharmaconosy) https://aspmeetings.pharmacognosy.us; Parra presented his research at the 13th ISME Latin American Regional Conference/5th Pan American Regional Conference 2021
August: Connie presented at Strathclyde Microbiology Group. Parra presented a poster in the symposium "Natural Products: From Discovery to Application" at the 48th IUPAC World Chemistry Congress.
September: Kate delivered a plenary lecture on Marine Chemical Ecology and Metabolomics at the XII European Conference on Marine Natural Products https://ecmnp2021.squarespace.com; Darren presented a flash talk at the Microbiology Society ECM Forum Summer Conference.
October: Parra, Darren and Kate took part in the MIBiG 'annotathon' for the upcoming version of the MIBiG platform.
November: Ally successfully defended her PhD having been examined by Prof. Iain Hunter and Dr. Matt Davey.
December: Darren presented his work and Lily presented a poster at the Molecular Microbial Ecology Group meeting at the John Innes Centre in Norwich.
February: All current members of the Duncan lab attended the Scottish Natural Products Network (SNaPNet) launch event, with Darren, Ally and Parra presenting posters and Darren, Ally and Duncan Lab alum Robyn chairing discussions on what Scotland contributes to the world of natural products research.
March: Duncan lab member Ally and alumnus Sylvia were invited to participate in the FEMS International Women's Day Stream (https://fems-microbiology.org/opportunities/international-womens-day-2021-live-discussion/). They were also interviewed for a perspective piece afterwards (https://fems-microbiology.org/perspectives-internationalwomensday-2021-choosetochallenge/).
April: Parra, Lily and Darren presented posters at the 2021 Microbiology Society annual conference, which was hosted online due to the ongoing SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Lily co-authored the paper "Stability of cell-penetrating peptide anti-VEGF formulations for the treatment of age-related macular degeneration", published in Current Eye Research (https://doi.org/10.1080/02713683.2020.1830117).
May: Ally wrote a piece for the ASP newsletter about sexual harassment against women in marine science (https://www.pharmacognosy.us/making-stem-a-safer-place/).
June: Darren presented a talk at the Chemistry and Biology Natural Products XIV hosted by the University of Warwick. Ally presented a poster at the World Microbe Forum, a joint conference between FEMS and ASM.
July: Parra and Ally presented their research at Vanguards of Natural Products meeting (American Society of Pharmaconosy) https://aspmeetings.pharmacognosy.us; Parra presented his research at the 13th ISME Latin American Regional Conference/5th Pan American Regional Conference 2021
August: Connie presented at Strathclyde Microbiology Group. Parra presented a poster in the symposium "Natural Products: From Discovery to Application" at the 48th IUPAC World Chemistry Congress.
September: Kate delivered a plenary lecture on Marine Chemical Ecology and Metabolomics at the XII European Conference on Marine Natural Products https://ecmnp2021.squarespace.com; Darren presented a flash talk at the Microbiology Society ECM Forum Summer Conference.
October: Parra, Darren and Kate took part in the MIBiG 'annotathon' for the upcoming version of the MIBiG platform.
November: Ally successfully defended her PhD having been examined by Prof. Iain Hunter and Dr. Matt Davey.
December: Darren presented his work and Lily presented a poster at the Molecular Microbial Ecology Group meeting at the John Innes Centre in Norwich.
February: Huge congratulations to our Duncan Lab undergraduates Aimee and Robyn on finalising and submitting their theses! It's been great having them with us in the lab doing some really cool science! Onwards and upwards!
March: A busy month for the members of the Duncan research group. Laia presents at the DGHM and VAAM joint conference 2020, at the University of Leipzig in Germany. Ally gives an invited seminar talk at the Scottish Association for Marine Sciences, Oban. Lily, Darren, Robyn and masters student Diana give a presentation to Mearns Primary students as part of their STEM fortnight. Parra, Lily and Darren return to Glasgow Science Centre to take part in the latest edition of Curiosity Live, presenting an activity based on the theme 'Coasts and Shorelines'.
April: Ally participated in Skype A Scientist with middle school students in Canada.
July: Ally gave a talk at the SfAM MicroTalks seminar series on specialised metabolite production in marine microalgae.
September: Ally wrote two blog articles for FEMS to celebrate International Microorganisms Day. The two articles were 5 Pandemics That Changed The World (https://www.internationalmicroorganismday.org/blog/5-pandemics-that-shaped-the-world) and How Microbes Are Essential for Tasty Food (https://www.internationalmicroorganismday.org/blog/microbes-in-food)
October: Ally co-organised and chaired the SULSA (Scottish Universities Life Sciences Alliance) event "Through The Looking Glass: Breaking Barriers in STEM", an action-focused event on improving diversity and inclusion in STEM. Duncan Lab alumni Diana also gave a talk at the event. Kate selected for the Young Academy of Scotland (2020 to 2025 - youngacademyofscotland.org.uk).
March: A busy month for the members of the Duncan research group. Laia presents at the DGHM and VAAM joint conference 2020, at the University of Leipzig in Germany. Ally gives an invited seminar talk at the Scottish Association for Marine Sciences, Oban. Lily, Darren, Robyn and masters student Diana give a presentation to Mearns Primary students as part of their STEM fortnight. Parra, Lily and Darren return to Glasgow Science Centre to take part in the latest edition of Curiosity Live, presenting an activity based on the theme 'Coasts and Shorelines'.
April: Ally participated in Skype A Scientist with middle school students in Canada.
July: Ally gave a talk at the SfAM MicroTalks seminar series on specialised metabolite production in marine microalgae.
September: Ally wrote two blog articles for FEMS to celebrate International Microorganisms Day. The two articles were 5 Pandemics That Changed The World (https://www.internationalmicroorganismday.org/blog/5-pandemics-that-shaped-the-world) and How Microbes Are Essential for Tasty Food (https://www.internationalmicroorganismday.org/blog/microbes-in-food)
October: Ally co-organised and chaired the SULSA (Scottish Universities Life Sciences Alliance) event "Through The Looking Glass: Breaking Barriers in STEM", an action-focused event on improving diversity and inclusion in STEM. Duncan Lab alumni Diana also gave a talk at the event. Kate selected for the Young Academy of Scotland (2020 to 2025 - youngacademyofscotland.org.uk).
January: Kate in Argentina (1 week) and Antarctica (3 weeks) as one of two science faculty and one of 10 leadership faculty for the third cohort of Homeward Bound, a global women in science leadership program; IBioIC Annual Conference (Ally selected for oral presentation, Kate - delegate).
March: Scottish Association for Marine Science visit (Kate); Ally hosts algal researchers from the James Hutton Institute; Duncan lab writing retreat.
April: University of Aberdeen visit (Kate); Microbiology Society Annual Conference, Belfast - Parra poster. Laia selected for oral presentation, Kate co-chaired the Chemistry and Biology of the Antibiotic Makers session. Ally began her 1-year industrial placement at Xanthella Ltd, where she will use their MicroPharos photobioreactors to study the effect of light stress on phylogenetically diverse marine microalgal species; Kate has a Strathclyde Doctoral School Centre of Doctoral Training (SDS CDT) on Developing Technologies to Combat Antimicrobial Resistance funded along with fellow co-I's Drs Damion Corrigan, Paul Murray and Christopher McCormick.
May: Alejandro presents a poster at a Natural Products conference in Copenhagen, Denmark; Kate attends a UK-Mexico links meeting at Glasgow University by the British Council, Mexico.
June: Kate travelled to Aberystwyth, Wales to act as a PhD external examiner at the School of Biological Sciences, Aberystwyth University.
July: Laia spent a training week at the National Centre of Excellence in Mass Spectrometry Imaging at the National Physical Laboratory, London; Invited Seminar, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, California (Kate); FEMS Annual Conference, Glasgow (Parra - poster presentation, Laia - volunteer, Ally - volunteer and poster presentation, Kate - invited talk), Jack Wilkins joined the lab for a three week summer internship from Queen Mary University, London.
September: Ally presents a poster at the joint XVI International Symposium on Marine Natural Products and XI European Conference on Marine Natural Products in Peniche, Portugal. Laia and Parra both present at the Glasgow Microbiology Collective.
October: Duncan research group alumni Dr Natalie Millán-Aguiñaga of the University of Baja California (a visiting research fellow, funded by MASTS) has her paper, titled "Awakening ancient polar Actinobacteria: diversity, evolution and specialized metabolite potential" published (https://doi.org/10.1099/mic.0.000845). Laia presents and Ally gives a flash talk at the Natural Products in the Bio-economy meeting, at Aberdeen University.
November: Parra, Lily, Darren, Laia, Ally and Kate are joined by undergraduate students Aimee and Robyn to present an informative activity table at Curiosity Live, an event organised and hosted by Glasgow Science Centre. Laia and Ally both present at the Scottish Metabolomics Network Symposium at the University of Strathclyde.
December: Parra presents a seminar at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Costa Rica (UCR). Ally, Laia, Kate, and former PDRA Sylvia co-author "The Natural Products Atlas: An Open Access Knowledge Base for Microbial Natural Products Discovery" which is published in ACS Central Science.
March: Scottish Association for Marine Science visit (Kate); Ally hosts algal researchers from the James Hutton Institute; Duncan lab writing retreat.
April: University of Aberdeen visit (Kate); Microbiology Society Annual Conference, Belfast - Parra poster. Laia selected for oral presentation, Kate co-chaired the Chemistry and Biology of the Antibiotic Makers session. Ally began her 1-year industrial placement at Xanthella Ltd, where she will use their MicroPharos photobioreactors to study the effect of light stress on phylogenetically diverse marine microalgal species; Kate has a Strathclyde Doctoral School Centre of Doctoral Training (SDS CDT) on Developing Technologies to Combat Antimicrobial Resistance funded along with fellow co-I's Drs Damion Corrigan, Paul Murray and Christopher McCormick.
May: Alejandro presents a poster at a Natural Products conference in Copenhagen, Denmark; Kate attends a UK-Mexico links meeting at Glasgow University by the British Council, Mexico.
June: Kate travelled to Aberystwyth, Wales to act as a PhD external examiner at the School of Biological Sciences, Aberystwyth University.
July: Laia spent a training week at the National Centre of Excellence in Mass Spectrometry Imaging at the National Physical Laboratory, London; Invited Seminar, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, California (Kate); FEMS Annual Conference, Glasgow (Parra - poster presentation, Laia - volunteer, Ally - volunteer and poster presentation, Kate - invited talk), Jack Wilkins joined the lab for a three week summer internship from Queen Mary University, London.
September: Ally presents a poster at the joint XVI International Symposium on Marine Natural Products and XI European Conference on Marine Natural Products in Peniche, Portugal. Laia and Parra both present at the Glasgow Microbiology Collective.
October: Duncan research group alumni Dr Natalie Millán-Aguiñaga of the University of Baja California (a visiting research fellow, funded by MASTS) has her paper, titled "Awakening ancient polar Actinobacteria: diversity, evolution and specialized metabolite potential" published (https://doi.org/10.1099/mic.0.000845). Laia presents and Ally gives a flash talk at the Natural Products in the Bio-economy meeting, at Aberdeen University.
November: Parra, Lily, Darren, Laia, Ally and Kate are joined by undergraduate students Aimee and Robyn to present an informative activity table at Curiosity Live, an event organised and hosted by Glasgow Science Centre. Laia and Ally both present at the Scottish Metabolomics Network Symposium at the University of Strathclyde.
December: Parra presents a seminar at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Costa Rica (UCR). Ally, Laia, Kate, and former PDRA Sylvia co-author "The Natural Products Atlas: An Open Access Knowledge Base for Microbial Natural Products Discovery" which is published in ACS Central Science.
January: Carnegie Trust Collaborative Research Grant Meeting, with Computer Sciences collaborators from the University of Glasgow visit us at the University of Strathclyde; Industrial Biology Innovation Centre (IbioIC) Conference (Ally - poster presentation, Kate - delegate); Invited Seminar, John Innes Centre, Norwich.
February & March: Kate traveled to Argentina (1 week) and Antarctica (3 weeks). Kate was selected as one of 80 women worldwide for the second cohort of Homeward Bound, a global women in science leadership program.
March: Sylvia presents her postdoc work at the Gordon Conference on Marine Natural Products, Ventura, California; Kate visits the Technical Federico Santa Maria University, Valparaiso, Chile on a Santander Visiting Fellowship (pictured L-R: Augustina, Juan Ugalde, Bea Cámara); The First Annual Duncan Lab Retreat, Isle of Bute. L-R: Ferry to the island (Sylvia, Ally, Laia, Florent), the Isle of Bute with blue sky and palm trees!, our accommodation, making public outreach activities, our super bugs, a visit to Mount Stewart.
April: Microbiology Society Annual Conference, Birmingham (Kate, Ally, Laia). Ally and Laia both attended their first PhD conference, presenting posters in the environmental & applied microbiology and imaging mass spectrometry sections respectively. Kate co-oroganised and chaired a session on Imagine Mass Spectrometry with invited speakers including Theodore Alexandrov (EMBL, Germany), Laura Sanchez (Chicago, USA) and Ian Gilmore (NPL, Teddington); Kate went on the second part of her Scottish Life Science Alliance (SULSA) Funded Visiting Fellowship, Marnix Medema's Bioinformatics Group, Wageningen University, Netherlands. This included an invited seminar at NIOO-KNAW (the Netherlands Institute of Ecology); Scottish Life Science Alliance (SULSA) Conference on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) (Kate and Laia). Photo credit Nick Tucker via twitter (@Tucker303). Kate was an invited speaker, Laia presented her PhD research as a poster.
May: Salma and Cailin start their MSc lab work. Sample Collection Loch Lomond (Ally, Salma, Cailin, Florent) - Photo credits: Ally via twitter @fablach3592; Ally selected for the BBSRC PHYCONET funded UK and Chinese microalgae junior researchers workshop in China; Laia selected for an oral presentation at CBNP XII (Chemistry & Biology of Natural Products) conference in Warwick.
June: Ally selected for "I'm a Scientist...Get Me Out of Here"; Publication "Temperature driven changes in benthic bacterial diversity influences biogeochemical cycling in costal sediments" link here.
July: Jonathan (Parra) joins the lab from Costa Rica for his PhD.
September: Laia selected for a talk at Glasgow Microbiology Collective. Kate and PhD students Jonathan, Ally and Laia attended. This was the second oral presentation Laia has done (both in her 1st year of her PhD). Ally chaired the first session of day 1 of the conference; Ally was selected as one of 10 UK participants (one of five early career researchers) to attend the 1st Sino-British forum on Algal Biotechnology in Wuhan, China. Ally visited the Center for Microalgal Biotechnology and Biofuels at the Institute of Hydrobiology in Wuhan, China in September. In addition to participating in the meeting, Ally was selected as a panel member and won the 1st place poster prize! Kate traveled to the University of Aberdeen for an MRes viva in the Chemistry Department.
October: Darren, Calum and Hannah join the lab for their 4th year dissertation projects; Emzo de Los Santos visited the Duncan lab from the University of Warwick for a week from the 1st-4th October. As part of his visit, Emzo gave a research seminar and led a bioinformatics genome mining workshop (pictured), in addition to having research discussions with all members of the Duncan group, collaborators and members of the microbiology group at Strathclyde. Kate and Laia attended the postgraduate National Physical Laboratory PGI NPL meeting, Laia presented her research as a poster. Ally was selected for a fully-funded place at the Aquaculture for Biotechnology training course taking place at the Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa (CCAP) in Oban. Kate was selected to talk at the final BBSRC NPRONET community meeting in Manchester.
November: Kate and Sylvia attended the two-day Scottish Metabolomics Network annual meeting at the Discovery Centre in Dundee, Sylvia presented a poster; Parra, Ally, Laia and Kate hosted a visit of postgraduate researchers from the Centre of Mathematics Applied to the Life Sciences (CMALS), University of Glasgow; Ally and Kate hosted the Industrial Photobiology Network meeting at the University of Strathclyde, starting Ally's photobioreactor cake (pictured)!; Kate and Ally were selected for oral presentations at the final BBSRC PHYCONET meeting in London; Invited Seminar (Kate), Wellcome Dundee Drug Discovery Unit at the University of Dundee; Invited talk (Kate), Shell, London on medicines from the sea and Homeward Bound / women in science leadership; Kate was invited by the University Principal, Sir Jim McDonald (with Jana HB4 participant and Kirsty HB3 participant) to talk about HB2 and women in science leadership to the University Court at Ross Priory Strategy Days.
December: Invited Seminar (Kate) at the University of West Scotland, Department of Biological Sciences; Duncan lab Petri dish exchange.
February & March: Kate traveled to Argentina (1 week) and Antarctica (3 weeks). Kate was selected as one of 80 women worldwide for the second cohort of Homeward Bound, a global women in science leadership program.
March: Sylvia presents her postdoc work at the Gordon Conference on Marine Natural Products, Ventura, California; Kate visits the Technical Federico Santa Maria University, Valparaiso, Chile on a Santander Visiting Fellowship (pictured L-R: Augustina, Juan Ugalde, Bea Cámara); The First Annual Duncan Lab Retreat, Isle of Bute. L-R: Ferry to the island (Sylvia, Ally, Laia, Florent), the Isle of Bute with blue sky and palm trees!, our accommodation, making public outreach activities, our super bugs, a visit to Mount Stewart.
April: Microbiology Society Annual Conference, Birmingham (Kate, Ally, Laia). Ally and Laia both attended their first PhD conference, presenting posters in the environmental & applied microbiology and imaging mass spectrometry sections respectively. Kate co-oroganised and chaired a session on Imagine Mass Spectrometry with invited speakers including Theodore Alexandrov (EMBL, Germany), Laura Sanchez (Chicago, USA) and Ian Gilmore (NPL, Teddington); Kate went on the second part of her Scottish Life Science Alliance (SULSA) Funded Visiting Fellowship, Marnix Medema's Bioinformatics Group, Wageningen University, Netherlands. This included an invited seminar at NIOO-KNAW (the Netherlands Institute of Ecology); Scottish Life Science Alliance (SULSA) Conference on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) (Kate and Laia). Photo credit Nick Tucker via twitter (@Tucker303). Kate was an invited speaker, Laia presented her PhD research as a poster.
May: Salma and Cailin start their MSc lab work. Sample Collection Loch Lomond (Ally, Salma, Cailin, Florent) - Photo credits: Ally via twitter @fablach3592; Ally selected for the BBSRC PHYCONET funded UK and Chinese microalgae junior researchers workshop in China; Laia selected for an oral presentation at CBNP XII (Chemistry & Biology of Natural Products) conference in Warwick.
June: Ally selected for "I'm a Scientist...Get Me Out of Here"; Publication "Temperature driven changes in benthic bacterial diversity influences biogeochemical cycling in costal sediments" link here.
July: Jonathan (Parra) joins the lab from Costa Rica for his PhD.
September: Laia selected for a talk at Glasgow Microbiology Collective. Kate and PhD students Jonathan, Ally and Laia attended. This was the second oral presentation Laia has done (both in her 1st year of her PhD). Ally chaired the first session of day 1 of the conference; Ally was selected as one of 10 UK participants (one of five early career researchers) to attend the 1st Sino-British forum on Algal Biotechnology in Wuhan, China. Ally visited the Center for Microalgal Biotechnology and Biofuels at the Institute of Hydrobiology in Wuhan, China in September. In addition to participating in the meeting, Ally was selected as a panel member and won the 1st place poster prize! Kate traveled to the University of Aberdeen for an MRes viva in the Chemistry Department.
October: Darren, Calum and Hannah join the lab for their 4th year dissertation projects; Emzo de Los Santos visited the Duncan lab from the University of Warwick for a week from the 1st-4th October. As part of his visit, Emzo gave a research seminar and led a bioinformatics genome mining workshop (pictured), in addition to having research discussions with all members of the Duncan group, collaborators and members of the microbiology group at Strathclyde. Kate and Laia attended the postgraduate National Physical Laboratory PGI NPL meeting, Laia presented her research as a poster. Ally was selected for a fully-funded place at the Aquaculture for Biotechnology training course taking place at the Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa (CCAP) in Oban. Kate was selected to talk at the final BBSRC NPRONET community meeting in Manchester.
November: Kate and Sylvia attended the two-day Scottish Metabolomics Network annual meeting at the Discovery Centre in Dundee, Sylvia presented a poster; Parra, Ally, Laia and Kate hosted a visit of postgraduate researchers from the Centre of Mathematics Applied to the Life Sciences (CMALS), University of Glasgow; Ally and Kate hosted the Industrial Photobiology Network meeting at the University of Strathclyde, starting Ally's photobioreactor cake (pictured)!; Kate and Ally were selected for oral presentations at the final BBSRC PHYCONET meeting in London; Invited Seminar (Kate), Wellcome Dundee Drug Discovery Unit at the University of Dundee; Invited talk (Kate), Shell, London on medicines from the sea and Homeward Bound / women in science leadership; Kate was invited by the University Principal, Sir Jim McDonald (with Jana HB4 participant and Kirsty HB3 participant) to talk about HB2 and women in science leadership to the University Court at Ross Priory Strategy Days.
December: Invited Seminar (Kate) at the University of West Scotland, Department of Biological Sciences; Duncan lab Petri dish exchange.
February: Xanthella & The Scottish Association for Marine Science, Oban; PhD viva (Chemistry Dept.) and afternoon with Prof. Dave Patterson (executive director of MASTS) at the marine institute.
April: Microbiology Society Annual Conference, Edinburgh; Scottish Crucible lab 1 - Royal Society of Edinburgh and the Scottish Parliament.
May: 18th International Symposium on the Biology of the Actinomycetes (ISBA), Jeju Island, Korea.
June: Scottish Crucible lab 2 - University of Stirling; National University of Ireland, Galway: invited participant at "Sustainability in Marine Biodiscovery" workshop; Natalie Returns to Scotland from Mexico (Marine Alliance of Science and Technology Fellowship); Co-chaired Glasgow Marine Group (with N. Banas Maths & Stats and D. McKee Physics). N. Milan presented (pictured with Neil); Chemistry and Biology of Natural Products Symposium, University of Warwick, UK. N. Milan and K. Duncan selected for oral presentations; Scripps Institution of Oceanography Jensen group reunion in Norwich.
July: BBSRC STARS "Next Generation Biologists" coding workshop, University of Leeds; Scottish Crucible lab 3 - University of West Scotland including dinner in Paisley Abbey (pictured); Soapbox Science, Edinburgh (Natalie and I volunteering in the rain!).
August: Duncan lab goodbye lunch for Natalie who finished her MASTS visiting fellowship (November-January 2016 and June-August 2017). Pictured back L-R: Sergio, Tom, Kate and front L-R: Jordan, Natalie; Invited Speaker at BBSRC Algal Biotechnology meeting in New Zealand (Cawthron Institute, Nelson, South Island); The Inaugural Meeting of the Glasgow Microbiology Collective (Chair: K. Duncan, Co-Chair M. Wojnowska) with Invited speakers Colin Kleanthous (Oxford) and Ian Henderson (Birmingham).
September: European Conference of Marine Natural Products (ECMNP), Crete, Greece (S. Soldatou and K. Duncan selected for oral presentations); Royal Society of Edinburgh Awards Reception, Edinburgh (Kate, Scottish Crucible); VAAM workshop "Biology of Bacterial Natural Product Producers”, Tübingen, Germany (K. Duncan oral presentation).
October: Welcome to the group Sylvia (PDRA), Laia (PhD Candidate) and Ally (PhD Candidate); Marine Alliance of Science and Technology (MASTS) Annual Meeting, invited talk (K. Duncan) on women in marine science; Ally visits Xanthella (PhD industrial partner) in Oban; Visit to the Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS) (K. Duncan); Undergraduates Brandon & Heather join the lab for their dissertation projects.
November: Scottish Metabolomics Network Meeting, Glasgow (K. Duncan, delegate); Science and Parliament Committee Delegate, Edinburgh (K. Duncan, Microbiology Society Policy Representative); Invited Seminar, University of York, Dept. of Evolutionary Biology.
December: Scottish Life Science Alliance (SULSA) Funded Visiting Fellowship, Marnix Medema's Bioinformatics Group, Wageningen University, Netherlands; Duncan lab Petri dish exchange - each lab member pulls the name of another lab member from a hat, they then make their project in a Petri dish...crafter -> gift receiver L-R Top-Bottom: Brandon -> Kate; Ally -> Heather; Kate -> Sylvia; Laia -> Ally; Sylvia -> Brandon; Group Photo.
April: Microbiology Society Annual Conference, Edinburgh; Scottish Crucible lab 1 - Royal Society of Edinburgh and the Scottish Parliament.
May: 18th International Symposium on the Biology of the Actinomycetes (ISBA), Jeju Island, Korea.
June: Scottish Crucible lab 2 - University of Stirling; National University of Ireland, Galway: invited participant at "Sustainability in Marine Biodiscovery" workshop; Natalie Returns to Scotland from Mexico (Marine Alliance of Science and Technology Fellowship); Co-chaired Glasgow Marine Group (with N. Banas Maths & Stats and D. McKee Physics). N. Milan presented (pictured with Neil); Chemistry and Biology of Natural Products Symposium, University of Warwick, UK. N. Milan and K. Duncan selected for oral presentations; Scripps Institution of Oceanography Jensen group reunion in Norwich.
July: BBSRC STARS "Next Generation Biologists" coding workshop, University of Leeds; Scottish Crucible lab 3 - University of West Scotland including dinner in Paisley Abbey (pictured); Soapbox Science, Edinburgh (Natalie and I volunteering in the rain!).
August: Duncan lab goodbye lunch for Natalie who finished her MASTS visiting fellowship (November-January 2016 and June-August 2017). Pictured back L-R: Sergio, Tom, Kate and front L-R: Jordan, Natalie; Invited Speaker at BBSRC Algal Biotechnology meeting in New Zealand (Cawthron Institute, Nelson, South Island); The Inaugural Meeting of the Glasgow Microbiology Collective (Chair: K. Duncan, Co-Chair M. Wojnowska) with Invited speakers Colin Kleanthous (Oxford) and Ian Henderson (Birmingham).
September: European Conference of Marine Natural Products (ECMNP), Crete, Greece (S. Soldatou and K. Duncan selected for oral presentations); Royal Society of Edinburgh Awards Reception, Edinburgh (Kate, Scottish Crucible); VAAM workshop "Biology of Bacterial Natural Product Producers”, Tübingen, Germany (K. Duncan oral presentation).
October: Welcome to the group Sylvia (PDRA), Laia (PhD Candidate) and Ally (PhD Candidate); Marine Alliance of Science and Technology (MASTS) Annual Meeting, invited talk (K. Duncan) on women in marine science; Ally visits Xanthella (PhD industrial partner) in Oban; Visit to the Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS) (K. Duncan); Undergraduates Brandon & Heather join the lab for their dissertation projects.
November: Scottish Metabolomics Network Meeting, Glasgow (K. Duncan, delegate); Science and Parliament Committee Delegate, Edinburgh (K. Duncan, Microbiology Society Policy Representative); Invited Seminar, University of York, Dept. of Evolutionary Biology.
December: Scottish Life Science Alliance (SULSA) Funded Visiting Fellowship, Marnix Medema's Bioinformatics Group, Wageningen University, Netherlands; Duncan lab Petri dish exchange - each lab member pulls the name of another lab member from a hat, they then make their project in a Petri dish...crafter -> gift receiver L-R Top-Bottom: Brandon -> Kate; Ally -> Heather; Kate -> Sylvia; Laia -> Ally; Sylvia -> Brandon; Group Photo.
October: After starting the group in July - the medicinesfromthesea.com lab website goes live; sample collection at Ardmucknish Bay and Loch Etive.
November: Kate gave an invited Seminar at the National Physical Laboratory, London (hosted by Ian Gilmore, NiCE-MSI); presented in Nottingham for a BBSRC PHYCONET meeting and Manchester for a BBSRC NPRONET meeting and was awarded an "honorary research fellowship on drug discovery" of the Scottish Association for Marine Science. Kate visited The University of Aberdeen, Chemistry Department for an MRes examination and seminar at the Marine Biodiscovery Centre.
December: Dr Natalie Milan MASTS Visiting Research Fellow joined the lab from Mexico (pictured at Dunnotar Castle); the Duncan group on a well deserved break (pictured L-R: Kim, Natalie, Kim ,Jordan); Dr Natalie Milan visited the Scottish Association for Marine Science, Oban. Kate presented at the University of Manchester at a BBSRC Global Challenges Research Fund meeting.
November: Kate gave an invited Seminar at the National Physical Laboratory, London (hosted by Ian Gilmore, NiCE-MSI); presented in Nottingham for a BBSRC PHYCONET meeting and Manchester for a BBSRC NPRONET meeting and was awarded an "honorary research fellowship on drug discovery" of the Scottish Association for Marine Science. Kate visited The University of Aberdeen, Chemistry Department for an MRes examination and seminar at the Marine Biodiscovery Centre.
December: Dr Natalie Milan MASTS Visiting Research Fellow joined the lab from Mexico (pictured at Dunnotar Castle); the Duncan group on a well deserved break (pictured L-R: Kim, Natalie, Kim ,Jordan); Dr Natalie Milan visited the Scottish Association for Marine Science, Oban. Kate presented at the University of Manchester at a BBSRC Global Challenges Research Fund meeting.